Saturday, March 3, 2012

You Changed My Whole Life

I'm not even sure why I'm surprised. I've fallen for you again. I could give a shit that the other one doesn't like me. When I saw him with another girl, it didn't even phase me. I smiled. As if I was happy for him. Or relieved that he found someone else. I was terrified that I would go out with him and you would be hurt. But if I found out you were with another girl, I'm pretty sure I would sob. A punch in the gut. A slap in the face. And you're so hard to figure out! How do you text back to that? Do you want me to text back to that? Are you bored of me? Why didn't I wake up? You play me for a fool. I am a fool. How could I let myself love you? How could I not? You're perfect. I see you everywhere. Your name. You entice me. I don't want you. I need you.

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