Saturday, April 16, 2011


She smiles when you are at your highest;
she cries along side you when you're low.
She'll comfort you and protect you;
point you in which direction to go.

She's constantly boosting your self-esteem,
the cheerleader in a long hard game.
She'll stick by you through whatever.
She treats you and your siblings the same.

She doesn't see the flaws you hate in yourself,
the physical and the emotional alike.
Everything you wish you could change in yourself
are in fact the things she likes.

A mother is there to fight for her young,
no watter how old they may be.
She will drop everything to defend her children.
Yup, everyone but me.

I smile for myself when I have done good,
and I cry when I know I've been hurt.
I protect myself from every single harm,
I try to see myself as more than dirt.

Yes, I hate every single fucking one of them.
And I can't wait until I can go.
For once I've clawed my way out of the door,
It's the ending of a tragedy and the start of a perfect show.

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