Monday, May 9, 2011

I Don't Know You, But I Want You

I am certain about a few things in my life:
1. My sister is a cheap whore. You don't have to give her money, makeup, or even candy. She'll jump right into your lap. Hell, you don't even have to be good looking! Albino, fat, and bald! Music to her ears!
2. I want to be something important. Something where I can wake up every morning and think, "Yeah, I'm actually going to make a difference today."
3. I believe in love. I believe I am close to finding it. I believe he may just be what I'm looking for.
I am uncertain about a few things:
1. Why won't you get out of my head? I didn't invite you in, so um, leave.
2. F? A? A? N? I don't know.
3. How come I try to give up completely on a person but there's still unrealistic hope?

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