Friday, July 1, 2011

Aren't You?

Stranger things can change, how your consciousness can fade. Reason can compete with a drug that shares your name. And there you are on cue where the light falls, waving at strangers, wearing your name out. All the world applauds to the popular tricks you choose. Who are they to stop when your hands are clapping too? And you believe that it's an achievement, scratching them where they have no feeling. It was you who spoke out when no one heard. You're not as pure as you were, vanity hangs you by threads. And right now I wish some things were undone. This is not the time to give up yourself to anyone. You are not yourself here, you are someone else, dear. Aren't you terrific? If you saw yourself here, you would be amazed. Are you terrific, finally terrific now?

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