Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Out Of Sight...

Everyday at twilight, when the sun turns red in the sky, I think of you on that shoreline, brushing the hair from your eyes. We were drawing out names in the wet sand and running away as the tide rolled in. Even if there is an ocean keeping your heart from mine, that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about you all the time. I'm counting the days till I see you and, somewhere, I know that you are too. We had the summertime of our lives; nothing has ever felt so right. And even though we had to say goodbye, I know, when the world gets warm, you'll come back to me. Wherever you are, no matter how far, I promise that I won't give up on you. They say out of sight means out of mind, but they couldn't be further from the truth. Because I'm in love with you. I'm still in love with you.

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