Friday, October 14, 2011


I give up. You win. I've officially lost you. The little girl I used to play with. The innocent and damaged teenager I used to confide in. I don't confide in anybody. You don't get it, do you? You've fucked me over so many god damn times. And I hate you for it. I can't ever forgive you. But I'm done. I'm tired of protecting her from you. But I will. Until I leave. And you'll still be here! The worst part isn't that you're a whore, selfish, or even completely disappointing, but that I needed you. I still do. And you're never fucking there. And I can deal with that in the only way I know how: cutting you out. I'm not going to pretend like this is okay. Because it's not. I'm not like that side of the family and you are. I can't sweep everything under the rug and pretend nothing is there. My goal is for people to look at us and think we're polar opposites. And so far I've achieved that goal. But don't you think for one minute that anything about the way you're acting is okay. I've wanted nothing more than an older sister. And I haven't had one since freshman year. You're dead to me. I give up. You win.

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