Saturday, July 28, 2012

We Were Just Two Kids Who Took The Moment When It Was There

The pain is unbearable. A crushing weight pressed upon every inch of  
my body. I scream. It's silent. I sob. My eyes are dry. I kick and  
thrash. I am motionless. Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting.  
I could write a book on every aspect of your appearance. I could sing  
a ballad on every moment we've shared. I'd kiss the pages and hold the  
notes everyday. So many simple things surround me, the simplest of  
them all remind me of you. You. At the back and front of my mind. You.  
On the outskirts of my life. You. Always you. Never been anyone else.  
Countless times my heart has stopped beating. I should be dead from  
all of the times your glance has put me into shock. Adrenaline.  
Nervousness. You're everything and absolutely nothing. I guess to  
everyone else you're just a boy. To me, you are so much more. I could  
live a thousand years and never meet somebody who completely entices  
me as you do. And I want you in my life. I hate waiting. My patience  
ebbs away with each passing day. What am I waiting for? 

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