Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I will get this accomplishment.
I will get into Yale.
Because, quite frankly, it's my fucking turn. I deserve this. I have worked so hard. I need this. I got this. I am beautiful, confident, smart, and I am a Yalie.
If I am meant to be with him, I will take Yale as the ultimate sign. There. That's my price.
I've been stuck inside this cage for so long but, the thing is, it's me who has corned myself. It's me who pushed myself into such a small space and my claustrophobia has finally gotten the best of me. I'm breaking out.
I've been through my fair share of pain and confusion and hurt. But I've come out triumphant. I am so happy.  I will go to Yale and I will open up that email on Friday morning and I'll smile and I'll laugh and I'll cry and I'll run into my parents' bedroom and tell them. And dad will yell and mom will yell and everyone will be so happy. And I'll give proper thank you's to all of those people who helped me. Because I would never be who I am without them. And I'm so grateful.
I love Madeleine. I love me. I am thankful. Thank you. I am a Yalie.

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