Can I get a break, please?
It's what keeps me sane.
Who are you? Do you even know? Doubtful.
What do I even want? Correction. Who do I want?
Where has my conscience gone?
When you need a friend, don't call on me.
Why do I feel like I need you but want him?
How can I still paste a smile on?
Ha, love rhymes with shove.
Have I lost you forever? Hardly. I don't even know you anymore. Seeing you again would be like meeting you for the first time.
Sigh, I like Frank Brady.
Like running in really small circles!
Have you ever noticed how absolutely gorgeous the rain makes the earth? Notice it.
Woops, we're back to you again. You're cute.
I miss you but do I really?
Blah, I could use some fries.
Truth be told I miss you, and truth be told I'm lying.
I'm over here. Now I'm over here. Now here.
Does it need to be pressed or...? Can you even do that?
I sure do like cupcakes.
What's it going to take to get you to send a little text message?
Should I? To be or not to be...the flirt.
Hey! Grades tomorrow! Oh, fuck.
Get. Off. Of. My. Chin!
Ow, that hurt!
There's gotta be more to life than this.
What a stupid girl.
Ew, a cat. Let's shoot it.
Back to you. I'm falling for you. That doesn't make any sense though!
I'm texting you because I have nothing better to do, not because there's something between us. Understand this. I want a friend and a boyfriend. You are not the latter.

Smack. Smack. My lip hurts.
Fuck him! He's forgotten me. Why does that feel like a punch in the gut?
I got to get out of here! But that's no good. Then I could possibly never see him again...
I need a session. Session of what?!? Ah!
I don't know. I was distraught.
None of it matters. But it does.
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