Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just A Proposition

When life gets unfair, strangle it.
You can't change what's already happened, but you can make it better.
If you want something, go after it. It's meant to be chased.
Chances are they caught your eye for a reason, learn why.
You can't believe in a higher power if you haven't seen the light of day.
Stop waiting for change. Turn in a new direction: a sketchy alleyway, a lit up path, a leaf-strewn dirt road...you never know what will turn up midway.
What happens at the end is always worth it.
Don't live with regrets. Love always, not when it's too late. Don't decide he's the one after he's given you up for a lost cause.
When troubled, look within yourself. There's a hell of a lot of advice just waiting to be spilled out.

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