Every Since I Was A Child...
It's a bile that rises in my throat at the shortest notice. The smallest thing could disrupt my day, throw it out of the narrow course I had planned. And suddenly, I'm Mr. Hyde, on a rampage, furious. I'm ready to slit the throat of anyone who crosses me. Anyone. It's not anger. It's a fury, a tangible fury, that I can feel in the very pit of my stomach. Rising like stomach acid, ready to spew out at the first inconvenience. I've been good for a while so this feels strange. Today, it was the laundry, a bouncing ball, an open door, and a cigarette that set me off. But I breathed through it and kicked my drawer. It's also Mother's Day, so I need to relax. Relax. Breathe.
Over the love of you.
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