Tuesday, May 14, 2013


"I love you, almost in spite of myself. Have I startled you too much?"
"I was startled. I did not know that you cared for me in that way. I  have always thought of you as a friend; and, please, I would rather go on thinking of you so. I don't like spoken to as you have been doing. I cannot answer you as you want me to do, and yet I should feel so sorry if I vexed you."
"Forgive me I have been too abrupt. I am punished. Only let me hope. Give me the poor comfort of telling me you have never seen anyone whom you could-"
"Ah! If you had but never got this fancy into your head! It was such a pleasure to think of you as a friend."
"But I may hope, may I not. that some time you will think of me as a lover? Not yet, I see - there is no hurry -   but some time..."
"I have never thought of you but as a friend. I like to think of you so; but I am sure I could never think of you as anything else. Pray, let us both forget all this" ("disagreeable," she was going to say, but stopped short) "conversation has taken place."
"Of course, as your feelings are so decided, and as this conversation has been so evidently unpleasant to you, it had better not be remembered. That is all very fine in theory, that plan of forgetting whatever is painful, but it will be somewhat difficult for me, at least, to carry it into execution."
She could not answer this. The whole tone of it annoyed her. It seemed to touch on and call out all the points of difference which had often repelled her in him; while yet he was the pleasantest man, the most sympathizing friend...

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