Saturday, December 29, 2012
Into The Dark

Tomorrow Will Be Kinder
There he goes, there he goes again. Racing through my brain and I just can't contain this feeling that remains. There he blows, there he blows again. Pulsing through my vein and I just can't contain this feeling that remains. There he goes, there he goes again. He calls my name, pulls my train. No one else could heal my pain. There he goes again chasing down my lane. And I just can't contain this feeling that remains.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Maximum Occupancy

"You know you can't keep letting it get you down. And you can't keep dragging that dead weight around. If there ain't all that much to lug around, better run like hell when you hit the ground. Let it go, this too shall pass. You know you can't keep letting it get you down. This too shall pass when the morning comes!"
Monday, December 17, 2012
My dress is torn, you have a black eye you got from a giving kind. But your coat is big and I am warm; I'll ask if I can walk you home. Grey like the gravel under our shoes, the sky doesn't clarify. Simple is something of a mystery, no longer making sense to me. Got a gun and an eagle's eye, but would like somewhere safe to hide. You've got a reason and so have I. I am the heat in an empty room, the cold coming through the walls. Your sofa's old, but I am new and there is better on the brew. My breath is soft, your hands are unlocked, unmanned and un-vertical. I feel strings without the black and blues, a weekend in a weekday's shoes. I'm gonna rescue you so you can rescue me, too. Make it a rendezvous. I got my best dress on and you've got a smile and a bruise, so come and rescue me and me you.
Drifting In And Out
Sometimes I find myself sitting back and reminiscing, especially when I have to watch other people kissing. And I remember when you started calling me your miss's, all the play fighting, all the flirtatious disses. I'd tell you sad stories about my childhood; I don't know why I trusted you but I knew that I could. We'd spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt. I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt. Drinking tea in bed, watching DVDs, when I discovered all your dirty, grotty magazines. You take me out shopping and all we'd buy are trainers, as if we ever needed anything to entertain us. The first time that you introduced me to your friends and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand. When I was feeling down, you made that face you do. There's no one in the world that could replace you. Dreams of when we had just started things, dreams of me and you. It seems that I can't shake those memories. I wonder if you have the same dreams, too. The littlest things that take me there, I know it sounds lame but it's so true. I know it's not right, but it seems unfair that the things remind me of you. Sometimes I wish we could just pretend, even if only for one weekend. So tell me, is this the end?
Take me away, directionless. It doesn't have to make any sense. Use what you have, I'll follow you. Use what you have, don't you worry now. Choose what to be. Take a side.What if I don't want to step out in the light? Give it to others; just let it go now. Give it to others; don't you worry now.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Damn Words Get In The Way

On Melancholy Hill

And ever so quickly, I lost everything. And the hardest part isn't that I wished and wished, or that I tried so damn hard and it wasn't good enough, or that I truly believed everything would work out for me because I thought I was worthy and it was my turn. The hardest part is that I have to be okay with it. I have to gather myself together (after an embarrassing display of emotions) and move on. I have to study my ass off for finals. I have to write at least ten more essays. I have to smile and shrug and say, "Oh, well. I guess I wasn't meant to go there." And act like I believe it. I've lost it all.
Maybe I've forgotten the name and the address of everyone I've ever known. It's nothing I regret, save it for another day. It's the school exam and the kids have run away. I would like a place I could call my own and have a conversation on the telephone. Wake up every day, that would be a start. I would not complain of my wounded heart. I was upset, you see, almost all the time. You used to be a stranger and now you are mine. I was a short fuse, burning all the time. I wouldn't even trust you; I've not much to give. We're dealing in the limits and we don't know who with. You may think that I'm out of hand, that I'm naive; I understand. On this occasion, it's not true. Look at me, I'm not you. Just wait until tomorrow, I guess that's what they all say just before they fall apart.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
To You Celestial Gods
The Ceasing Pain
I know it's not over. Baby, I worked this out for sure. It's gonna be colder now that you've forced open the door. I know you better than I ever have before. I know you. I know you're a fighter, but you never fought for me when I was a shelter. So you're not heading home to me. We could be closer.
We'll take a long walk, down the alleys of these houses. And we'll talk, see what conversation rouses when we're alone. When we're alone, it could be home.
When it's just us, you show me what it feels like to be lonely. You show me what if feels like to be lost. I take your hand for you to let it go.
It's gonna be better.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Upcoming Implications

I'm trying. I'm trying. "She really is rude and mean." Excuse it.
Monday, December 10, 2012
My Charm

I want Yale more than I want you. Is that it? Do I have to choose? I wish I didn't. But my mind is preparing me to. I will still text you on Friday when I get in. I would've chosen you every single time. But you aren't choosing me. And that's okay. I want your happiness. Truly, I do.
I would love to have a beautiful rest of the year with you. I would love for you to love me again. I would love for us to be together again. But maybe that's just not realistic anymore.
I was told not to wish for the world. And I thought that I wasn't.
I'll Destroy You Myself
And so Annie waits for a call from a friend. It's the same; why's it always the same? Annie waits for the last time. The clock never stops, never waits. She's growing old. It's getting late. And so he forgot, maybe not. Maybe he's been seriously hurt. Would that be worse? Headlights crest the hill; shadows pass her by and out of sight. Annie sees her dreams: Friday bingo, pigeons in the park. Annie waits for the last time, just the same as the last time. Annie says, "You see this is why I'd rather be alone." And so Annie waits. Who will be the one for evermore? Annie, I could be if we're both still lonely when we're old. Annie waits, but not for me.
I'd kill him for you, girl. I'd kill him for all of you.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Crashing Over Me
Twenty seconds on the backlog, overtime. Just twenty seconds until we're swept by the tide. We're treading water in the dead of night, and we're speechless. Just speechless. We're staring skywards waiting for a sign. Up to our necks in it until the day brings us light. And our whole lives are flashing before our eyes and we're speechless. Because you've got me right where you want me, as a tsunami tide rolls over the landscape that we built a home in inside of our minds. So we fall and we break and we make the same mistakes like we always do. And we crawl, intertwined. Forced apart from the inside like we always knew. And I'm speechless. Twenty seconds on the backlog, overtime. Just twenty seconds until you're no longer mine.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
I will get this accomplishment.
I will get into Yale.
Because, quite frankly, it's my fucking turn. I deserve this. I have worked so hard. I need this. I got this. I am beautiful, confident, smart, and I am a Yalie.
If I am meant to be with him, I will take Yale as the ultimate sign. There. That's my price.
I've been stuck inside this cage for so long but, the thing is, it's me who has corned myself. It's me who pushed myself into such a small space and my claustrophobia has finally gotten the best of me. I'm breaking out.
I've been through my fair share of pain and confusion and hurt. But I've come out triumphant. I am so happy. I will go to Yale and I will open up that email on Friday morning and I'll smile and I'll laugh and I'll cry and I'll run into my parents' bedroom and tell them. And dad will yell and mom will yell and everyone will be so happy. And I'll give proper thank you's to all of those people who helped me. Because I would never be who I am without them. And I'm so grateful.
I love Madeleine. I love me. I am thankful. Thank you. I am a Yalie.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
You're My Favorite Scar
You're not him, though I try to see you differently. I tow the line, you see, I'm searching for what used to be mine. And I saw your eyes, and I saw Anthony staring back at me. So I will try to find another one who suited me as well as him. I've moved far away from you and I want to see you here beside me, dear. He was mine. I was his and all that's in between. If he would cry, I would shelter him and keep him from the darkness that will be if I moved far away from you. Don't drop me in. It's not my turn. If you cut deep, then I might learn that you scarred and left me like a sunburn. But things aren't clear when we never even tried, we never even talked. We never even thought in the long run, whenever it was painful, whenever I was away, I'd miss you. And I miss you.

To The One I Love
I found your hairband on my bedroom floor, the only evidence that you've been here before. And I don't get waves of missing you anymore. They're more like tsunami tides in my eyes, never getting dry. So I get high, smoke away the days. Never sleep with the light on. Weeks pass in the blink of an eye. And I'm still drunk at the end of the night. I don't drink like everybody else. I do it to forget things about myself; stumble and fall with the head spin I got. My mind's with you, but my heart's just not. So am I close to you anymore, if it's over and there's no chance that we'll work it out?
Everybody said we'd be together forever, but I know that I never wanna settle down. Come around, break up the love like lego now. Never want to turn into another like you. Sleep with my thoughts, dance with my views, everything's great but not everything's sure. But you live in your halls and I live in a tour bus. Now I'm in a position to be another stalker, like everything I say seems to always sound awkward. Like our last kiss, it was perfect, we were nervous on the surface. And I'm always saying everyday that it was worth it. Pain is only relevant if it still hurts. I forget like an elephant, or we can use a sedative and go back to the day we fell in love, just like on our first kiss.
Because if I was gonna go somewhere, I'd be there by now. And maybe I can let myself down. And I'm thinking that I'm unaware; I keep my feet on the ground and keep looking around to make sure I'm not the only one to feel low. Because, if you want, I'll take you in my arms and keep you sheltered from all that I've done wrong. And I'll know you'll say that I'm the only one. But I know god made another one of me to love you better than I ever will.
Because you and I ended over you and I. And I said that's fine, but you're the only one that knows I lied.
My Thoughts Exactly

Admitting Fault
I can't blame it all on you, because I'd be wrong. All in all, you're such a beautiful guy. Don't take my chances, smile for the lenses. Live it up, you're growing up: parties in the wilderness of life. Light it up, just give it up where the kids are running free tonight.
The cars on the avenues can wait in line. I've lived out this innocent time. Gold roads leave Kansas; scarecrows love dances.
They're running free tonight.

Remember, once you walked this kind of life. Quietly, I'll sleep behind the wheel and passing every face you see the first time, singing every piece as you walk by, proving that, with all of my mistakes, we are not the same. And we are all to blame.
But they're trying to bring you down.
I'll Run Free
I swear to this.
Once I am accepted into Yale, I will text him. I will, if not outwardly tell him, then highly hint how I feel. And obviously I'll win there, too. Because it's my turn. I will champion myself. My own fears.
I love life.
I love myself.
I am a Yalie. I am Anthony's girl.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
3 and 13
This day, whatever the Fates decree,
Shall still be kept with joy by me:
This day then let us not be told,
That you are sick, and I grown old;
Nor think on our approaching ills,
And talk of spectacles and pills.
Tomorrow will be time enough
To hear such mortifying stuff.
Yet, since from reason may be brought
A better and more pleasing thought,
Which can, in spite of all decays,
Support a few remaining days:
From not the gravest of divines
Accept for once some serious lines.
Although we now can form no more
Long schemes of life, as heretofore;
Yet you while time is running fast,
Can look with joy on what is past.
Were future happiness and pain
A mere contrivance of the brain,
As atheists argue, to entice
And fit their proselytes for vice;
(The only comfort they propose,
To have companions in their woes;)
Grant this the case; yet sure 'tis hard
That virtue, styled its own reward,
And by all sages understood
To be the chief of human good,
Should, acting, die, nor leave behind
Some lasting pleasure in the mind;
Which by remembrance will assuage
Grief, sickness, poverty, and age;
And strongly shoot a radiant dart
To shine through life's declining part.
Say, Stella, feel you no content,
Reflecting on a life well spent?
Your skillful hand employed to save
Despairing wretches from the grave;
And then supporting with your store
Those whom you dragged from death before?
So Providence on mortals waits,
Preserving what it first creates.
Your generous boldness to defend
An innocent and absent friend;
That courage which can make you just
To merit humbled in the dust;
The detestation you express
For vice in all its glittering dress;
That patience under torturing pain,
Where stubborn stoics would complain:
Must these like empty shadows pass,
Or forms reflected from a glass?
Or mere chimaeras in the mind,
That fly, and leave no marks behind?
Does not the body thrive and grow
By food of twenty years ago?
And, had it not been still supplied,
It must a thousand times have died.
Then who with reason can maintain
That no effects of food remain?
And is not virtue in mankind
The nutriment that feeds the mind;
Upheld by each good action past,
And still continued by the last?
Then, who with reason can pretend
That all effects of virtue end?
Believe me, Stella, when you show
That true contempt for things below,
Nor prize your life for other ends,
Than merely oblige to your friends;
Your former actions claim their part,
And join to fortify your heart.
For Virtue, in her daily race,
Like Janus, bears a double face;
Looks back with joy where she has gone
And therefore goes with courage on:
She at your sickly couch will wait,
And guide you to a better state.
Oh then, whatever Heaven intends,
Take pity on your pitying friends!
Nor let your ills affect your mind,
To fancy they can be unkind.
Me, surely me, you ought to spare,
Who gladly your sufferings would share;
Or give my scrap of life to you,
And think it far beneath your due;
You, to whose care I so often owe
That I'm alive to tell you so.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tell me the wars you're fighting behind the smile you're hiding, and all the things I know you want to say. We tried our best to find us, but there are no lights to guide us. I can't sleep beside a stranger now. Piece by piece we fall apart, with every beat slows down my heart. I've tried hard to remember that this prison cell used to be a shelter, now we're just looking for the best way out. I can't fight you anymore. You're already one foot out the door. And this is the face of letting go. And these are the things we already know. So I'll just say what you won't say. And I'll take the blame if it's for your sake. No turning back on what you can't save. We're so far gone.
"I don't know why we put things off, but if I had to guess, I'd say it had a lot to do with fear. Fear of failure. Fear of pain. Fear of rejection."
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Reckless Thoughts

Can you hear me? Are you near me? Can we pretend to leave and then we'll meet again when both our cars collide?
It really sinks in when I see it in stone. But you went away. How dare you? I miss you. They say I'll be okay, but I'm not going to ever get over you.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
To A Little Me
Damn. Every time I look back on freshman year, I remember how much I hated it. Without doubt the worst year of my life. And I looked through my old blog today for reasons I don't know and I saw some depressing shit. So here was a survey I did and I read my answers and hated them. So I'll post the old one. And redo it. With my updated answers.
So for your enjoyment: "Sad? No. Angry? No. Hurt? Partially. Giving Up? Of Course."-Posted February 28, 2010 at 1:01 P.M.
I am: pathetic
I feel: unworthy
I like: sleep
I hate: most everything
I wish: it would get better
Do you like anyone: yes and no. get it? (Ahem. What the fuck did I even mean?)
Do you hate anyone in your family? many. most people in my family I don't like. my uncle. my sad excuse for an older sister.
Do you love life? ha. no.
Do you have a best friend? nope. I don't want one.
Is there someone you would do anything for? no. and I don't think there's someone that would do anything for me either, so we're even.
Have you ever been in love? I thought I was. I was wrong.
Does the last person you kissed mean anything to you? he used to. and he still does. honestly, he might be the one person I would forgive over and over. I don't know why.
Name your favorite thing about yourself. nothing
Name your LEAST favorite thing about yourself? everything
If you could have one wish what would it be? for ten more wishes. then, I would wish: 1. to be pretty. 2. to not be fat :/ 3. to have someone care about me. 4. to go to a school I like. 5. to have my older sister care. 6. to delete people from my life that continuously hurt me. 7. to let my sister know how the horrible things she does affect me. 8. to move away. 9. to be older. 10. to be successful. I have to be.
Yikes. Alright, first of all, my writing is horrible. I must have been so depressed that I forgot about grammar...or capitalization. My OCD practically went crazy when I was re-typing that but I didn't want to change anything. Alright, so I couldn't help myself. I capitalized a few "I"s and added in some apostrophes. Sue me. My freshman mind was sad and clearly not worried about being intellectual. SO. Here is my updated version.
Once more, for your enjoyment. Begun at 3:58 P.M. on November 17, 2012.
I am: Madeleine, 17 years old, senior in high school, and taking charge of my life next year.
...thinking about starting a video diary.
...seeing the light again.
I feel: content. And a little anxious for mid-December.
I like: rain, pasta salad, Coraline, text messages from twin flames, shy smiles, 17 magazine, One Direction, and pajamas. Oh, and OBAMA.
I hate: ignorance and conservative Republicans. Sorry, Grandpa.
I wish: he would just contact me already. Does it really have to be me?
Do you hate anyone in your family? Um...I don't think so. I hate someone who came into the family with every fiber of my being. But he's gone. I dislike my older sister. That hasn't changed.
Do you love life? You know what, I think so. At least, I like it.
Do you have a best friend? Yes. Ricky. I love him more than orange juice on an airplane. He is literally me in boy form and makes me so happy.
Is there someone you would do anything for? Yes. (See how positive I am now?) My little sister, of course. That goes without saying. And Ricky. And he would do the same for me. And...do I say his name? I never do. I might as well. Anthony. I would do anything for him. To the moon and back.
Have you ever been in love? Yes. And currently still in it.
Does the last person you kissed mean anything to you? Yes. Shh. I don't think he knows.
Name your favorite thing about yourself. My determination and willingness to stand up for the people who need me. Oh, and alright. I'll name something physical. I love my eyes. And lips.
Name your LEAST favorite thing about yourself? My ability to utterly destroy my own self-esteem. And others'. And my fear in taking charge with him.
If you could have one wish what would it be? I would wish for FIVE more wishes (I'm getting better, not as greedy). And then I would wish for an acceptance letter into Yale. God, how amazing would that be? And I would wish for him and me to break out of our shells and be ourselves around each other and to just get back together, already! And for complete and utter happiness. And for an amazing college experience. And I would wish for a long, happy life. Full of memories and love from him and family and so many smiles and trips and traveling and success and making my mom and dad proud.
If I could tell my freshman self anything, it would be this: "Little girl, you are so naive. I know you hate when people are condescending because, well, so do I. But it's true. You're being foolish. Life will and has gotten better. No, he's not mine yet. But he cares and I see him almost weekly now. And I'm smart and I'm going places and, I bet you never thought it would come soon enough, but I'm applying for college. And it's frightening! And I find myself wishing from time to time that I still had another year. I know. Crazy. Call the police. But last year you went on a trip to the East Coast to visit colleges...ALONE! And it was amazing and you really are meant to be there. And you're going to have a big group of friends (that you actually don't hate) and a best friend who you wouldn't trade in for the world! And you're going to go to Greece and Turkey and Spain and Italy (and have some delicious ass pasta) and France and, ok that trip sucked, BUT Idaho was awesome. I know you're probably scoffing at that, but it's true. G-dad isn't half bad (he's still kicking by the way). And you'll snorkel in Barbados with sea turtles and swim to the shore. And you'll LOVE the Caribbean. And you'll eat a French sandwich in San Maarten with dad, just the two of you. And shutup about being ugly. You know you're not. You're just an awkward freshman. Love you, but it's true. You're going to get a lot of attention from boys. And a lot of it you won't want (try and let Will down easy, by the way). And you're not fat. You're getting a woman's body and you work out and you're still working on embracing it, so do it earlier and make your life easier. Oh, and Richie's coming back. And it's going to be just like before. And you're probably going to seethe with rage when I tell you that you welcome him back and don't even have to forgive him because it just happens. Shutup. Grow up. And you tutor for his brother about once a week. And, goodness, he gets cuter. And you're going to need to be there for Annie. She has some hard times coming up and so will you. But you'll emerge with your head held high. So calm down. You've just got a few more months of that god awful school and it's over and life will begin. I love you. I don't say that enough but I do. Oh, and for the record. About your ten wishes.
I would wish: 1. to be pretty. 2. to not be fat :/ 3. to have someone care about me. 4. to go to a school I like. 5. to have my older sister care. 6. to delete people from my life that continuously hurt me. 7. to let my sister know how the horrible things she does affect me. 8. to move away. 9. to be older. 10. to be successful. I have to be.
You're pretty goddamn good looking, if I do say so myself. But you're not full of yourself. You're modest. YOU'RE NOT FAT. LOVE YOUR BODY. You have tons of people that care. And if you have a self-pity moment, know that Ricky really does. And that I do, too. I think Kaitlyn cares, you just don't. Fix that. Ok, number six is just unrealistic. She knows, trust me. She knows. Well, you haven't yet, but you will move away. In less than a year (my time). Ready? Honey, you're gonna be 17 soon. If that's not older than a naive 13 year old, then I don't know what is. You're the third in your class. You're in the National Honors Society, Key Club, California Scholarship Federation, ELC, Spanish National Honor Society, and you're applying to an Ivy League and you have a chance. You're successful. Oh, and Elena becomes a vampire."
For All The Cynics
I think if life exists, it's probably like this. I had a common goal; I caught a common cold. I said, "When I get healthy, I won't take it for granted." And I really thought that I meant it, but I knew when I got better that I'd probably forget it. Feeling fine wasn't worth a mention, so I didn't pay attention. And it seems that's just the way. It's all easier said than done, and it's not even easy to say. And when I get back home, I'll see what's left before I'd gone. A thousand sheets of paper, I'll see what they are later. And then I've gotta roam, and back and forth I've flown. Well, it's hard to get too bored when you pick the right two chords. And you keep on strumming as if you don't know what's coming. Now, I don't have a boyfriend and I wish I was more happy. Now, I have a boyfriend and I wish I was more happy. Now, I have two boyfriends and I wish I was more happy. Now, I have four boyfriends and I wish I was more happy. And when I'm in an airplane, I close my eyes and pretend that it's a rocked pointed straight down, shooting at the earth again. Now, I am more happy and I wish I was more happy, if I was a little smarter, if I worked a little harder. But emotions in the brain, they'll always be the same. It's just chemicals and blob. And what you've got is what you've got. And you just apply it to whatever's passing by it. Just like a guitar pick that I could not keep in my grip, it's like all the love I lose because I could never fill the shoes. But it's just because I have no feet. And then I think every minute of every day that I have a choice to wish things could be better or be glad things aren't worse. And maybe every minute of every day we have the choice to say, "Things could be better," or to say, "Things could be worse."
All She Needs
I had to taste to see it close. But you're already there, right next to me. How could you ever find a better place to be? You're breathing slowly. I let you hold me. I left you so many times while you were next to me, your brown hair on the bed. I wanted you to see, this is a song for a silent, sleeping girl. She wants nothing, but to wake and find you there. The words you whisper, they fade in morning. And when you look at her and her sleeping face, her foot resting in yours, and then you know your place. This is a song for a silent, sleeping girl. She wants nothing, but to wake and find you there.
Friday, November 16, 2012
The Glory Of The Thing

I lost the thing, the ring that was never mine. I fall asleep and sing these lines, "mine, mine, mine." There was a love, a right way to survive. I couldn't help but die. I can not believe I believed I could have one step ahead of the last. I'm not above the past to show me how, but I am a brand new fucking shiny ball of wow. Is it mine? So what's is store for our heroine? Can she climb to the top of him? Should she be allowed to share the stage? Or is it time to turn the page on the thing that was never mine? Is it mine?
Sunday, November 11, 2012
My Daily Dose Of Rage

That's all I'm saying.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Only To Say

Baby, I wanna know what you think when you're alone. Is it me? We've been friends now for a while, I wanna know that when you smile it's me. Are you thinking of me? What would you do? Would you want to stay if I were to say I wanna be your last first kiss. I wanna be the first to take it all the way like this. I'm afraid you'll run away if I tell you what I wanted to tell you. Maybe I just gotta wait; maybe this is a mistake. I'm a fool.
They don't know about the things we do. They don't know about the I love you's. But I bet you if they only know, they will just be jealous of us. They don't know about the up all night's. They don't know I've waiting all my life.
I've been waiting all this time to finally say it. But now I see your hearts been taken, and nothing could be worse. Baby, I loved you first. Took my chances, couldn't be when he is standing. That's what hurts the most, I came to close. But you'll never know, I loved you first.
Friday, November 9, 2012
I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated. I wanna break this spell that you've created. You're something beautiful, a contradiction. I wanna play the game. I want the friction. You will be the death of me.
I wanted freedom, bound and restricted. I tried to give you up, but I'm addicted. Now that you know I'm a trapped sense of elation, you'd never dream of breaking this fixation. You will squeeze the life out of me.
Bury it. I won't let you bury it. I won't let you smother it. I won't let you murder it. Our time is running out. You can't push it underground. You can't stop it screaming out. How did it come to this?

Monday, November 5, 2012
P.S. I Will Always Love You

No other love. Mama, I'm flying. I can go anywhere. No other love can take me there. No other love. Mama, I'm flying.
"It's been a year. I don't feel him anymore. He's gone! He's really gone!"

All that was left was a bundle of memories, and an image of his face that became more and more vague each day.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Don't Ever Say Those Words
"Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Look out for that signal, when life as you know it ends."
But I don't want anyone else!!! No one will ever make me feel as perfect as you do. No one. I only want you.
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