Monday, February 4, 2013

I Think I'm Losing My Mind

What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.What is wrong with me.
I was looking forward to school today. Because I knew I would see you. I let myself look over to where you hang about. Approximately thirty times. After fourth period, I knew our paths would literally cross because of where our classes were. And then she took FOREVER to leave the classroom and I could see you walk by through the window and she's slowly writing her name down and I'm just screaming in my head, "CAN YOU HURRY UP, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD?!?" And I walked past you at lunch. And I smiled when I saw you laugh. And this can't be. This can't be. God damnit. I actually like you. Will he PLEASE text me so I can get over you and fast? What's wrong with me?

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