Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oh. Heartbreak.

"He doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. He keeps it buried where it belongs, to reveal itself only when necessary."

"It's the moment that she realizes that it's not going to happen. I think that's the point where she realizes that she really does love him."

"She realizes very quickly that she has to move on."

"As much as he loves Lavinia, as beautiful as she is and as wonderful as she's been to him. There's sort of a fire that he can't quite put out. He's a terribly, romantically confused man. How can you resist?"

"Well, Mary and Matthew have just got to get together."
"They're meant to be together. But maybe they can't be. I mean, maybe it's too late."

"Never mistake a wish for a certainty."

"Weddings can be reminders of one's loneliness, can't they? Sorry, I don't know why I said that."

"You're meant to be together; I've known that for as long as I've been at the house. And at first this kept you apart and then that kept you apart. But please don't risk it a third time. Because I'll tell you this: you won't be happy with anyone else while Lady Mary walks the earth."

"Tom said I'd never be happy with anyone else as long as you walk the earth, which is true. And I think you feel the same about me. Can I kiss you? Because I need to. Very much."

"He won't get off that easily."
"But you're happy?"
"I am. And what about you?"
"I'm so happy. So very happy I feel my chest will explode."

"You came. To be honest, I wasn't completely sure that you would."
"I'm glad to hear it. I should hate to be found predictable."

"Stop talking and kiss me before I get cross."

"You are being tested. And do you know what they say, my darling? Being tested only makes you stronger."
"I don't think it's working with me."

"What would you like me to get you?"
"A different life."

"You're a woman with a brain and reasonable ability. Stop whining and find something to do."

"There's nothing more tiring than waiting for something to happen."

"Come on. Breathe, love. Listen, it's me, my darling. All you need to do is breathe. Please breathe, my love. Please wake up. Please don't leave me. Please, love.

"That's all very well but I can't see a happy ending."

"Why must you sound so cold-hearted?"

"You can't be quite horrid when you want to be."
"I know. But you do love me, don't you?"

"I can't bear to be without her."
"But you must bear it. And maybe someday you can find someone to bear it with you. But until then you must be your own master and call your own tune."

"Love is like riding or speaking French. If you don't learn it young, you won't get the hang of it later."

"It's funny. I feel as if I'm only half myself without him."

"These things are always very nerve-wracking. But all's well that ends well."
"Life is strange, isn't it?"
"In so many different ways"
No, I mean I think of all of the uncertainty between Matthew and Mary, when everything was so dark. Yet now here we are. And I wonder what I've done to deserve it."
"I agree. But then we don't always get our just deserts."

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