Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Character Count

I am staring at your name,
Knowing that mere miles away
You are doing the same that I am.
Like a cardinal in a nest of crows,
Your seven letters stand out
Amongst a sea of strangers,
Instantly recognizable.

How a name can bring pain,
And memories and happiness,
And fear:
One of life's greatest mysteries.

And nothing ever comes out of staring.
I watch the green light until it vanishes
Beyond my line of vision,
Each time believing it will be different than the last:
That the green will not fade,
That a bell will toll on two screens.

I enter the world of facade and paper mâché people
Just for a chance to see your name,
For a chance that you'll drop a word.
I am still waiting.
At this moment.
At this very moment.

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