Sunday, March 24, 2013

To The Purple Flowers And Flowing Tears

I am grateful for the black bees, even though they scare me. But I sit beneath them in bliss because they mean that the wisteria is here. It smells heavenly. I could sit in this rickety chair, beneath purple flowers hanging like grapes, their fallen petals covering the ground like a crunchy carpet, and the sound of buzzing filling my ears. I am grateful for life, in its simplest forms.
I am grateful for tears; they reveal our true emotions. I am grateful for phone calls bringing good news on Sunday afternoons. I am grateful for the small things that remind me of my youth and innocence. I am grateful for belonging.
I am happy. This is what gratification feels like.
I have found my place. I love my family. Thank you. And I'm sorry I don't believe in you. Or maybe I do. But somebody helped. And I appreciate it. More than you know.

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