Monday, August 20, 2012

And Then There's You.

You. That whisper in a sea of chaos. That beam of light at the end of an eerie tunnel. You. That familiar face in a crowd of strangers. That one ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. That sense of relief when waking from a frightening dream. You. That smile that turns up the corners of my lips for no reason at all. That first drop of rain that the clouds have threatened all day. A beautiful reason to live. A fantastic dream. A terrifying reality.
"Everything that I make, every step I take, every time I changed fate, you guided me. And when I can't walk, I don't forget our talks. I swear, I'll never forget you. And I try not to cry, but I can't be myself. I know this isn't right, so I had to say goodbye. But I won't give up on you, I would prefer to die. So when I look up to the sky, I always see your beautiful brown eyes. And remember us making love all night just like before."

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