My grandfather is a hardcore Catholic, so naturally his daughters (one of them my mother) were all baptized, and I was as well. Unfortunately for him, the Catholic pull gene seems to have skipped a generation...or two. Even as a child when most kids would just accept that there is a hell and a God etc. etc., I couldn't quite figure out the logic. If God loves everyone so much, why the fuck would he send us to hell for practically everything? You read your horoscope? Yikes, straight to hell. You love a man and you're a man? Shocking. Hell, hell, hell. So then I decided I was an atheist (if my grandpa knew I felt this way he would have a heart attack). But I honestly don't know. So how about this. There may be a god, there may not. Either way, I think I'm a pretty decent person regardless. The existence of a deity has no effect on me whatsoever. The other day in religion class, I had to read something that explained how the media portrays today's evils, like racism, violence, and "the most dangerous of all, that denial of God's existence." I'm sorry. I didn't realize not believing in something that has been presented by the most corrupt of institutions is more dangerous than racism and violence. That really pissed me off. But again. I held my tongue. Once, a priest asked a girl a couple of years older than me who came first: God or her parents? She replied that her parents were the most important. The priest and the teachers were appalled and tried to beat into her head the opposite (to no avail). I agree with her. My parents raised me, loved me, held me as I cried. If there is a god, where the fuck were you?
Ah, politics. Another thing I disagree with my grandpa on. He's a, you guessed it, Republican. And I am, as he calls other people with my views, "a goddamn liberal asshole" (religion has taught him tolerance). My mom refuses to vote; she says Democrats and Republicans both lie. Fine. I hate America. But. I'll take the lesser of two evils. I hate Mitt Romney; Republicans don't even like him. He laughed about his past of bullying gays and lies. Republican views are stuck in the old ways of intolerance, ignorance, and basically hatred. My grandpa will literally argue with me that Obama has done nada, and that Michelle Obama is a bad person, and that my dad has brain washed me to be a Democrat. But I am incapable of being manipulated. I have heard my grandpa's views and they haven't rubbed off on me so that's saying something. And I'm more liberal than my father. So there.
Hey! Another thing my grandpa hates. The gays. He uses a much more hate-filled word. Basically, it comes down to this. Society always needs someone to hate. Women, blacks, and now we've arrived at gays. At the end of the day, who cares? Love is love. I hate that some people deny them love because either their parents say it's wrong or because gays are "icky." What's worse? A married man and woman with children, the man beats the wife, the wife cheats on her husband, but they go to church every Sunday; or two happily married men, with an adopted son? The horrible thing is, my grandfather would say the latter. Let them love. I hate ignorance. If there is anything I will not tolerate, it is intolerance.
"I hate the word 'homophobia.' It's not a phobia. You are not scared. You are an asshole."
-Morgan Freeman
Everyone knows what the Catholic church thinks of this, but I'll tell you what I think, what I've always thought, even when I didn't think Catholicism was a hoax. If I got pregnant right now at 17, I would not hesitate. I cannot raise a child into a happy, supporting environment at this time in my life. I hate when Catholics say that even if you are raped, an abortion is still wrong. Ok. What woman would want a 9-month reminder of the most traumatic experience of her life? Shut the fuck up, it's not your decision. Go be a priest and molest little boys and don't worry about having to make that choice. It's for a woman to decide what to do with her body. Let. Us. Be.
Whew. So basically I'm an agnostic, gay-rights, pro-choice, women's-rights, ignorance-despising, goddamn liberal asshole. And proud of it.
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