Wednesday, October 17, 2012

But I Will Be

"What does it all mean, and if it means anything to anybody, how come it means nothing to me? To be hustled, and jostled, and moved on; and really to feel that it would appear to be perfectly true that I have no business here, or there, or anywhere; and yet to be perplexed by the consideration that I am here somehow, too, and everybody overlooked me until I became the creature that I am!"

I met an old man dying on a train. No more destination; no more pain. He said, "One thing before I graduate, never let fear decide your fate." Kill your heroes. No need to worry because everybody will die. Don't you worry, we love you more than you know. The sun one day will leave us all behind, unexplainable sightings in the sky. I hate to be the one to ruin the night right before your eyes.

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