Saturday, October 13, 2012

Losing Faith

 What is our generation? Who can treat someone like they have absolutely no emotions? And worse, who can stand in a crowd and watch this senseless beating of a 15 year old girl and be okay with it? What kind of human can watch it happening and not step in, not at least TRY to help? They all acted as if they had never made a mistake in their life. She needed somebody. Anybody. And no one stepped in. I hate it. I hate them. It isn't fair. She could have been something. She could have met someone who loved her and made her feel worthwhile! And they never gave her that chance. I'm sorry, Amanda. I'm so fucking sorry for them. I hate what they did to you. I hate what you did to yourself. I hope you're finally smiling. No more tears, little girl. No more. They have to live with this the rest of their lives. And I promise you, they will never be half the person that you were. I don't care if you flashed, I don't care if you had sex with someone you thought liked you. You were in a dark place and that boy is a piece of shit for doing what he did. I hope you can be happy, Amanda. Your life can't have been for nothing. You'll be back. You'll be back and you'll make a difference. I am sorry. I wish I could have known you. Your story has made me realize that if I ever witness this, ever see someone being treated like they're nothing, I WILL step in. Sleep well, hun. Doze off and wake in a field of flowers. You won't be alone. You will never be alone again. That I can promise.

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