Friday, January 4, 2013

As Long As You Walk The Earth

"He's coming tonight with his fiancé."
"Matthew's engaged. He's bringing her to meet his mother."
"Well, how marvelous."

"You don't mind?"
"Why should I? We're not going to marry, but I don't want him to spend the rest of his life in a cave."
"Please try to be happy for him."
"Of course I'm happy. Good luck to him."

"Last time he was here he broke her heart."
"She broke her own heart. That's if she has a heart to break."

"How are you?"
"Since you ask, I'm wretched."

"Are you happy?"
"I think I'm about to be happy. Does that count?"
"Only if you mean it."
"You'll be the first to know."

"I'm so pleased that we're friends again."

"It'll be hard to let you go, my last link with home."
"Not as hard as it is for me. I know I shouldn't say it but I can't keep it in any longer."
"I wish you would."
"I've told myself and told myself you're too far above me. But things are changing and I'll make something of myself. I promise."
"I know you will."
"It's cost me all I've got to say these things."

"Dear Lord,
I don't pretend to have much credit with you; I'm not even sure that you're there. But if you are and if I've ever done anything good, I beg you to keep him safe."

"May I give you one piece of advice? Tell him what's in your heart. If you still love him, let him know. If you do not tell him, you could regret it all your life long."
"And what about Ms. Swire?"
"Ah, as if any man in his right mind could prefer Ms. Swire to you."

"I'm not a romantic. But even I will conceive that the heart does not exist solely for the purpose of pumping blood."

"You're not a victim. Don't let them make you into one."
"You should know when you talk like that, I almost believe you."
"You should."

"He gave me some advice last night."
"Oh, yes? Was it good advice?"
"It was about honesty. He says I should say how I really feel. Do you think he's right?"
"I think honesty is the best course. And I think you regret being honest less often than you regret telling lies."

"Your proposal is improving. But you must give me some time. But I promise to think about it. Properly."
"I'm counting on it."

"Is good news imminent?"
"Would you be happy if it were?"
"Of course. I've found someone now and I want you to do the same."

"One day you'll meet someone else and you'll marry. Perhaps it'll be second best, but it doesn't mean you can't have a life."

"I think it does. For me."

"I don't know if I've dreaded this moment or longed for it."
"Well, either way it's happened."

"That leaves Matthew."
"That's done now. Finished. It's time to move forward."

"What about Matthew?"
"Not you too. Oh, Matthew. What must he do to persuade you he's in love with Lavinia? Open his chest and carve her name on his heart?"
"Write to him. Tell him of your plans; you owe him that."
"I don't think I owe him anything. But I'll write to him if you like.

"So there we have it. I look forward to introducing the two of you. Please be glad for me, as I will always be for you."
"Sometimes you can be curiously unfeeling."

"She is the author of her own misfortunes."

"No. Uncle Tom Cobly."
"I'm sorry but I've waited so long for those words; I can't believe I'm hearing them. You won't mind burning your bridges?"
"Mind? Fetch me the matches."

"I am delighted that you can look forward to a happy married life."
"I'm very lucky."
"Now, this may come as a surprise but I feel I must say it all the same."
"Please do."
"Mary is still in love with you."
"I was watching her as you spoke of your wedding. She looked like Juliet on awakening in the tomb. I had suspected long ago that the flame hadn't quite gone out, but it seemed best to let her try for happiness where she could."
"I quite agree and Sir Richard is-"
"Let's not muddy the pool by discussing Sir Richard. The point is you loved her once, you sure you can't love her again?"
"Do you think it would be quite right to dismiss Lavinia?"
"Spoken like a man of honor."
"But you don't agree."
"I would just say one thing. Marriage is a long business. You'll live 50 years with one of these two women. Just make sure you have selected the right one."

"Are you still in love with Matthew Crawley?"
"Of course not. Would I ever admit to loving a man who preferred someone else over me?"

"This sort of thing is all very well in novels. But in reality it can prove very uncomfortable."

"We were a show that flopped."
"God, I am so, so sorry. You know how sorry I am."
"Don't be. It wasn't anyone's fault. If it was, it was mine."
"You know Violet came to me and told me to marry you."
"What did you say?"
"That I couldn't give Lavinia the brush off just because I was well again."
"Of course not."
"However much I want to."

"Will you be happy? Really?"
"I have no right to be unhappy, which is almost the same."
"Almost. Not quite."

"We are cursed, you and I. And there's nothing to be done about it. Let's be strong and accept that this is the end."
"Of course this is the end. How could it not be?"

"Life is a game in which the player must appear ridiculous."

"What is it that set you apart?"
"There are reasons."
"I see. And those reasons are final?"
"They are for Matthew. So yes. They are."

"She's still in love with you, you know."
"I don't think so."
"Well, I'm sorry, but it's as plain as the nose on your face."
"It has to be like this. I can't explain why."
"Well, you see, I think you're wrong."
"I deserve to be unhappy. So does she."
"Nobody your age deserves that and if you are and can do something about it and don't, well then the war has taught you nothing."

"You were wrong about one thing."
"Only one thing? What is it?"
"I never would...I never could despise you."

"I wish you'd take my advice and fight for her. But I know you won't."
"I don't expect you to understand."
"Well, that's good. Because I can't."
"You can't be blamed for feelings beyond your control."

"Would you stay if I asked you to?"
"Oh, Matthew. You don't mean that. You know we carry more luggage than the porters at King Cross. Have you forgiven me?"
"No. I haven't forgiven you."
"Well, then."
"I haven't forgiven you because I don't believe you need my forgiveness. You've lived your life and I've lived mine. Now I believe it's time we lived life together."
"We've been on the edge of this so many times, Matthew. Please don't take me there again unless you're sure."
"I am sure. Will you?"
"You must say it properly. I won't answer unless you kneel down and everything."
"Lady Mary Crawley, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

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