Thursday, January 3, 2013

When Will You Learn?

"Every mountain is unclimbable until someone climbs it. So every ship is unsinkable until it sinks."
"You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. I know."
"No one ever warns you about bringing up daughters. You think it's going to be like Little Women, instead they're at each others' throats from dawn till dusk."

"She can be such a child. She thinks if you put a toy down, it'll still be sitting there when you want to play with it again."
"You should learn to forget what I say. I know I do."

"My life makes me angry. Not you."

"You must be careful. I think she has a crush on you." 
"Well, that's something no one could accuse you of." 
"Oh, I don't know." 
"I assume you speak in the spirit of mockery." 
"You should have more faith." 
"Shall I remind you of some of the choicest remarks you made about me when I arrived here? Because they live in my memory, as fresh as the day they were spoken." 
"Oh, what am I always telling you? You must pay no attention to the things I say.

"For the first time I know what it is to be happy. It's just I know that I won't be."

"So I've ruined everything."
"You've shown me I've been living in a dream. Wish me luck, will you? God knows I wish the best for you."

"Are you alright?"
"Of course. You know me. I'm never down for long." 
"I know you have spirit. That's what counts. It's all that counts in the end."

"He was still a nice man. He is still a nice man. He was a little red-faced and his suit was a little tight. But none of that mattered. He hadn't changed, not in the real ways."

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