Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I Had To Have Known You

As they say, two can play, but keep that song away from me. In my time, too much love has made me sad for so long. I was blind, can't you see through the long, lonely night. Heaven knows I believe. All the world, even you, should learn to love the way I do. Won't you take a chance with me?

"Your face I did not recognize. Your voice I'd never heard, yet your heart was so familiar and your eyes spoke so many words. You know me like I know myself. How can this be so? I, too, know the same of you. I cannot let this go. Love at first sight is spoken of, in this I do not believe. Can two hearts be forever bound as one and each other never leave? Are hearts made for one and one alone for all eternity? And they will seek until they find what was created thus to be? 

You are everything I want, because you are everything I'm not.

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