Saturday, September 8, 2012

I Love You To The Moon And Back

I read your story, little boy. Can I just say how you have touched my heart? You poor little thing, hardly given a life at all, and yet you have influenced more people than most have in a lifetime. You looked so beautiful and happy. Genuinely happy. I am sorry this happened to you. I am so sorry for your mother and your father and your brothers. I hope, no, I pray, that things will...I don't know. I doubt the days can get easier for them. I just hope that they can one day look on the past and into the sky and see the beauty, and only the beauty, and no more sadness. And I know that will not be easy. 
"I remember the drive home when the blind hope turned to crying and screaming, 'Why?' Flowers piled up in the worst way; no one knows what to say about a beautiful boy who died."
I have no idea of the pain you and they feel. But I hope you are happy, little boo. I hope you can laugh and smile and your hair has grown back and you feel nothing but bliss. No pain for you, little boy. That is all I can hope for you. I hope one day we get to meet. I would be honored.
Hi, Ronan. My name's Madeleine. We haven't met.

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